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Game Changers


2024-25 Year Group:

8, 9, 10


Group size:

Min. 15; Max. 32


Estimated Cost per student (subject to final confirmation):


* Cost includes insurance.  Families will be reimbursed with the remainder if there is any surplus on the trip account at the end of 'SIS goes MaD'.


Service Provider:

BSD Education


Provisional Programme (subject to final confirmation):


Please click HERE for the detailed itinerary.


Physical/Skill Requirements:



Special Equipment:

Students need to bring their laptops (not tablets) for all days.



Students can either purchase lunch from the Refectory or bring their own packed lunch for the week.



Students make their way or take the school bus to school every day.


Link to frequently asked questions.


Staff Contact:

Trip Leader: Mr V. So

Administration: Ms Y. Kwan

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