China: Behind the Wall
2024-25 Year Group:
8, 9, 10
Group size:
Min. 15; Max. 24
Estimated Cost per student* (subject to final confirmation):
* Cost has included admin fees & insurance. Families will be reimbursed with the remainder if there is any surplus on the trip account at the end of 'SIS goes MaD'.
Service Provider:
Wild Wall
Trip Duration (from departing Hong Kong):
6D / 5N
Provisional Flight Itinerary:
Oct 20, CX390, HKG 0900 / PEK 1225
Oct 25, CX331, PEK 1650 / HKG 2035
If provisional flights are unavailable, alternatives with other airlines will be sought.
Provisional Programme (subject to final confirmation):
Please click HERE for the detailed itinerary.
Accommodation (subject to final confirmation):
5 nights based at The Barracks (at the foot of a section of Wild Great Wall, Huairou, Beijing)
Visa Information: China
Medical Information:
Please check family doctors/physicians for medical and inoculation requirements of destination countries.
Link to frequently asked questions.
Staff Contact:
Trip Leader: Mr C. Robert
Administration: Ms Y. Kwan