Philippines: Dumaguete
Group size:
Min. 15; Max. 24
Estimated Cost per student* (subject to final confirmation):
* Cost has included admin fees & insurance. Families will be reimbursed with the remainder if there is any surplus on the trip account at the end of 'SIS goes MaD'.
Service Provider:
International Care Ministries
Trip Duration (from departing Hong Kong):
6D / 5N
Provisional Flight Itinerary:
Airline: Cebu Pacific (including 20kg check-in baggage)
Oct 20, 5J111, HKG 1100 / MNL 1325
Oct 20, 5J631 MNL 1605 / DGT 1740
Oct 25, 5J624, DGT 1040 / MNL 1210
Oct 25, 5J112, MNL 1545 / HKG 1825
If provisional flights are unavailable, alternatives with other airlines will be sought.
Provisional Programme (subject to final confirmation):
This programme is partnered with ICM (International Care Ministries), which has been serving the poorest of the poor in the slums of the Philippines since 1994.
Most of ICM’s beneficiaries live on less than US$0.5 per day, in crowded and unsafe homes, without access to clean water or sewerage, and suffer poor health, hunger and malnutrition. They have few networks of support and live without hope. ICM’s unique approach is to partner with the existing infrastructure of the local churches in most slum communities. By providing the proper support, training and resources, ICM's core Transform program has lifted one million people out of the bondage of ultra-poverty. As a community-based, holistic adult education program, Transform participants receive training in a Values, Health, and Livelihood curriculum. The four-month program provides hope and a social support network, teaching responsibility, practical basic health skills to prevent illness, and livelihood skills from earning extra income.
Please click HERE for the detailed itinerary.
Accommodation (subject to final confirmation):
5 nights at Rovira Suites.
Visa Information: Philippines
Minor children below 15 yrs. old Traveling to the Philippines Unaccompanied by or not Joining a Parent in the Philippines
A Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG) Under Section 29(a)(12) of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, as amended is required for children below 15 yrs. old who are traveling to the Philippines unaccompanied by or not joining his/her parent/s to the Philippines.
The WEG Order will be issued by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) at the port of entry upon submission by the WEG applicant of the following requirements:
Affidavit of consent by either parent or legally appointed guardian of the child, naming therein the person who will be accompanying the child to the Philippines and with whom the child will stay while in the country. The said Affidavit must be duly notarized by a local notary public or the consular officer at the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country or residence;
Clear photocopy of the data page of the child’s passport;
Clear photocopy of the data page of the passport of the accompanying adult or guardian; and
Payment of immigration fees (currently, P3,120 per child).
Medical Information:
Please check family doctors/physicians for medical and inoculation requirements of destination countries.
Link to frequently asked questions.
Staff Contact:
Trip Leader: Ms D. McKeown
Administration: Ms Y. Kwan