Cycle Quest
2024-25 Year Group:
8, 9, 10
Group size:
Min. 13; Max. 15
Estimated Cost per student (subject to final confirmation):
* Cost includes insurance. Families will be reimbursed with the remainder if there is any surplus on the trip account at the end of 'SIS goes MaD'.
Service Provider:
Invis HK
Provisional Programme (subject to final confirmation):
This company provides bicycle training courses, activities, performances and sharing services coving different levels and projects for various customers.
Promote cycling and cycling safety so that more people understand cycling activities correctly.
Provide correct bicycle knowledge and improve the skills of more people to control bicycles.
Inspire more people to find fun and satisfaction in cycling.
Provide high-quality professional services that customers are satisfied with.
Provide professional services and set industry service standards.
Promote cycling as one of the compulsory items in local schools.
Please click HERE for the detailed itinerary.
Physical/Skill Requirements:
Nil, but students should expect a lot of physical activities
Special Equipment:
The company will provide all the helmets, protection & bicycle.
Students need to bring their own packed lunch every day.
Transportation (subject to confirmation):
Buses will arrange to and from the destination every day. Students need to go to school as usual.
Link to frequently asked questions.
Staff Contact:
Trip Leader: Mr K. Chan
Administration: Ms Y. Kwan