HK Eco-Adventurers
2024-25 Year Group:
8, 9 & 10
Group size:
Min. 17; Max. 48
Estimated Cost per student (subject to final confirmation):
* Cost includes insurance. Families will be reimbursed with the remainder if there is any surplus on the trip account at the end of 'SIS goes MaD'.
Service Provider:
Asia Pacific Adventure
Provisional Programme (subject to final confirmation):
Please click HERE for the detailed itinerary.
Physical/Skill Requirements:
Nil, but students should expect a lot of physical activities
Special Equipment:
Students need to bring their lunch boxes for a whole week.
Buses will arrange to and from the destination every day. Students need to go to school as usual.
Link to frequently asked questions.
Staff Contact:
Trip Leader: Ms H. Hadley
Administration: Ms Y. Kwan