China: Xiamen
Group size:
Min. 18; Max. 24
Estimated Cost per student* (subject to final confirmation):
* Cost has included insurance. If there is any surplus on the trip account at the end of 'SIS goes MaD', families will be reimbursed with the remainder of the money.
Service Provider:
The Learning Adventure
Trip Duration (from departing Hong Kong):
6D / 5N
Provisional speed train Itinerary (subject to final confirmation):
Oct 20, G3006, Hong Kong West Kowloon Station 0852 / Xiamen Station 1248
Oct 25, G3007, Xiamen Station 1410 / Hong Kong West Kowloon Station 1802
If provisional speed trains are unavailable, alternatives with other schedules will be sought.
Provisional Programme (subject to final confirmation):
Please click HERE for the detailed itinerary.
Accommodation (subject to final confirmation):
5 nights at the 3-star hotel
Visa Information: China
Medical Information:
Please check family doctors/physicians for medical and inoculation requirements of destination countries.
Link to frequently asked questions.
Staff Contact:
Trip Leader: Ms D. Halliday
Administration: Ms. Y. Kwan